Author: admin

EcomHub Review (David Zaleski)

EcomHub Review (David Zaleski)

David Zaleski is the founder of EcomHub, an Amazon startup studio that sells a 5 Day Amazon FBA Challenge, an FBA Academy course, as well as done-for-you services. David claims his own ecom brands gross more than a million dollars a month. About eighty-five percent of that comes from their Shopify store, and the remaining

Pros And Cons Of Doing Amazon FBA

Pros And Cons Of Doing Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA expert Tom Wang has sold millions of dollars worth of products on Amazon. The thousands of students who’ve taken his Master FBA course have combined to do many times that. Point being, the guy has a ton of insider knowledge when it comes to Amazon FBA. From his unique vantage point, what are

Invest Diva Review (Kiana Danial)

Invest Diva Review (Kiana Danial)

Kiana Danial founded Invest Diva back in 2012. Her goal was to help stay at home moms generate passive income by investing in the online financial markets. Without being stuck to their screen all day or being a math whiz. And really with only a small initial investment. She’s written books about it, she’s been

Optimyze Digital Review (Done-For-You Ecomm)

Optimyze Digital Review (Done-For-You Ecomm)

Optimyze Digital sells done-for-you ecommerce stores. “No BS, flat rate, scalable, passive, and profitable e-comm stores with done-for-you marketing and guaranteed sales in under thirty days,” to be exact. They put their money where their mouth is. If they can’t get you results, you don’t pay. Their system and infrastructure allows you to focus on

Jeff Lerner’s Lesson On Finding Your Purpose

Jeff Lerner’s Lesson On Finding Your Purpose

Jeff Lerner looked at a study that said less than fourteen percent of people would consider themselves happy. And yet, it might surprise you to learn that around eleven percent of Americans have a net worth of a million dollars or more. (Many of them fall into the unhappy category.) What’s his point? Well, despite

Airbnb: What Is Bed Flipping?

Airbnb: What Is Bed Flipping?

Real estate investing used to be: You save and save and save, find a single family home in a nice area, put down 15%, finance the rest, find a tenant, collect rent, repeat. And maybe in 20, 30 years, you’ll have enough passive income to live off of, right? But today, thanks to technology, you’ve

Launchers Academy Review

Launchers Academy Review

Jaiden Vu, Melissa Ng, and Christy Liu are the ecom experts behind Launcher’s Academy. They help people make money in dropshipping, the right way. And you can do so within ninety days, without wasting any more time or money. The Launchers Academy team started with no experience whatsoever. They didn’t know how to pick winning

Ripehouse Advisory Review

Ripehouse Advisory Review

Ripehouse Advisory CEO Jacob Field says, “If you’re a property owner, investor, or have sixty thousand dollars, then I wanna show you how property investments can put you on the fast track to generating wealth for you and your family. You see, I bought my first investment almost twenty years ago. And now I have

Digital Global Nomads Review

Digital Global Nomads Review

Serioja Glorie is the founder of Digital Global Nomads, a company that builds automated Amazon and Walmart stores. Their mission is to make their clients financially free while creating as many jobs as they can. But Serioja admits, it’s not always easy. Dropshipping is a risky business model. Amazon and Walmart are giants. They could

Ascension Financial Strategies Review (Josh Ryan)

Ascension Financial Strategies Review (Josh Ryan)

Ascension Financial Strategies founder Josh Ryan failed miserably. This was back in 2008 when he was a real estate agent. At the time, he was earning what he thought was a decent amount of money. With it, he followed all the traditional financial advice. He had three months’ worth of living expenses saved up. He
