Author: admin

That Time Tom Wang Almost Quit

That Time Tom Wang Almost Quit

Tom Wang was “this close” to actually giving up. He remembers the excitement he felt when he first started his Amazon business. It was new, it was adventurous, something he’d never done before. His first month he made eight grand in sales. It was eye-opening. But then sales fell off a cliff. So they (he

Rohini Mundra Review

Rohini Mundra Review

Rohini Mundra claims you can work from anywhere in the world doing what you love. No boss, no one to answer to. And you can take your ten X money and turn it into one hundred X money. This isn’t some ponzi scheme she’s talking about. Rohini has been featured on Forbes, she’s done a

Amazon FBA Versus Amazon Publishing

Amazon FBA Versus Amazon Publishing

Audiobook Income Academy coach Dan Locke did FBA for three years before teaming up with the Mikkelsen twins to teach self-publishing. Here’s his take on the pros and cons of both models and why he believes audiobooks make more sense. The first thing he addressed was earning potential. Hands down, Amazon FBA wins that one.

Amazon FBA Coach Issues Stern Warning For Newbies

Amazon FBA Coach Issues Stern Warning For Newbies

Amazon FBA guru Tom Wang says there are some major mistakes he sees beginners make time and time again. The first is dabbling versus deciding to go all in. A lot of people hear about Amazon FBA, think it sounds neat, decide to launch with maybe two hundred units “just to see if it works.”

Jeff Lerner Training: How To Achieve Anything

Jeff Lerner Training: How To Achieve Anything

Jeff Lerner says you gotta stop focusing on what you want and instead focus on becoming the type of person who would hit that goal no matter what. It’s about being the person, not obsessing over the result. Jeff and his Entre Institute members do this by mastering the three Ps: physical, personal, professional. This

Rank And Rent: Is Roofing A Good Niche?

Rank And Rent: Is Roofing A Good Niche?

Many marketers who do local lead gen (specifically rank and rent websites) assume roofing’s a great niche to go into. There’s no shortage of roofs, right? And they’re all gonna need repaired or redone every so many years. Plus it’s high ticket and the margins are good, which means the monthly rental fee for you,

How To Sell 40 Units A Day On Amazon Starting From Scratch

How To Sell 40 Units A Day On Amazon Starting From Scratch

Tom Wang says it’s mandatory to use a spreadsheet that tracks key metrics for every product you sell on Amazon. You’ll want to go in daily and record rankings; units sold; how many sales came from organic versus giveaway versus PPC; total sessions; conversion rate; reviews; and so on. This is the only way you’ll

Chance And Abdul On Why Modern Millionaires Is Different

Chance And Abdul On Why Modern Millionaires Is Different

Abdul Samad says not many people take the time to draw out a timeline for their success. But if you do, and you’re honest, it’s gonna look like a roller coaster with an overall upwards trend. You’re going to peak, run into a problem, go down, climb up even higher, peak, problem, down, back up

Reviewing Sebastian Ghiorghiu’s Net Worth

Reviewing Sebastian Ghiorghiu’s Net Worth

Sebastian Ghiorghiu turned one hundred K into about six-point-five million dollars over the course of three years. No, that’s not just sitting in his bank account. That’s the total value of all the assets he owns. His approximate net worth, if you will. A while back he had built up his final dropshipping store to

Should You Publish Audiobooks On Audible?

Should You Publish Audiobooks On Audible?

Thinking of publishing audiobooks for passive income? Perhaps you’ve seen some of these YouTube ads talking about how it’s the new and improved way to make money on Amazon. That you can just outsource the whole thing, throw it up on Audible, and go explore Thailand while royalties trickle in, right? And maybe you’ve got
