Robb Bailey set out to build a business that was not only highly profitable, but produced what he calls holistic ROI. Which is basically profitability plus time freedom. He and his partner, Ryan Moore, help other digital marketers achieve this same business bliss inside their SWAS Agency coaching program. And it all starts with creating the right offer. You wanna sell money; a return on investment. Not web design or SEO or social media marketing. But money.
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You need to be focusing on things that produce ROI for your customers within days. And you need to be so good at it that they’ll stick around for years. And then you need to position yourself so that your agency’s the only place they can get such a service. “And in the SWAS Agency program, we have a method, a system for helping you do this,” Ryan says. “We’ll help you cut through all the noise and be the thing that people are like, ‘Wow, this is the only place that I can get that.’”
But once that’s handled, ya gotta make sure the fulfillment can be done without you logging more hours. It needs to be productized, simple to repeat over and over again; and therefore, scalable. “Something that other people can do for you while you’re out acquiring new customers,” Ryan says. “And I see so many people, even agencies that get to $20- or $30k a month, and they’re pushing, pushing, pushing, to get more clients with more of their effort and more of their time going towards fulfillment.”
“And that’s not the way. So here’s the test: if I were to drop 10 clients on your plate today, would you have to stop acquiring new customers to service those clients? Or, would you hand those clients off to your systems so that those clients get the results and you don’t miss a beat; you keep on acquiring new customers for your agency at a profit? That’s the question. That’ll tell ya whether or not your fulfillment is productized.” Makes sense, right? But what else do you need to know? Read on.

As far as niches, big ticket’s where it’s at. No surprise there. But think about roofers, people who build decks or install kitchen floors or cabinets; laser vision correction; spinal decompression therapists; cool sculpting; cryotherapy; anything with an average customer lifetime value of at least $2,000. And when you think about these types of businesses, what do all of ’em have in common? They all close sales either over the phone or via an in-person meeting. So that’s what ya wanna be looking for, right?
But how’ll you land these clients? Inside Robb and Ryan’s 7-Figure SWAS Agencies, they’ll build you a modern client acquisition system that gets you your first few clients without any ad spend. This way, you can prove out your niche and messaging and offer and fulfillment, right, and make sure everything’s dialed in before you turn on ads. Then you’ll take the profit from those first few sales and reinvest that into paid traffic and scale it up from there. Want Robb and Ryan to hold your hand through all of this?
If so, book a 15-minute SWAS Agency discovery call with their team. They’ll see if you’re a good fit, tell you more about the program, talk pricing, and you can decide whether or not you’d like to join. These guys definitely seem to know their stuff. And it’s clear they actually walk the walk; they didn’t just get a handful of clients three years ago and then immediately start selling coaching and never look back, which is sadly the case with most “agency gurus” you see running ads today.
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