Blog Get Real Estate Deals 3x Faster? Get Real Estate Deals 3x Faster?

Dustin Hahn and those moose antlers know how to get deals three times faster than you’re currently getting them. Granted, you’re probably not gonna like what he has to say—because it’s not a whole lot of fun—but here goes. “What do top professions and sports teams have in common?” Dustin asks, standing in his living

Ecommerce Empire Builders Podcast ($10k Club Member)

Ecommerce Empire Builders Podcast ($10k Club Member)

Peter Pru and his wife just had their second daughter. So the proud poppa had another member of the EEB team, Ali Gulshan, interview their newest $10k per month client: a guy by the name of Russ Clark. Russ was no stranger to business, having done quite a bit offline, but this ecom stuff was

Sabri Suby Book: What’s This Godfather Garbage?

Sabri Suby Book: What’s This Godfather Garbage?

Sell Like Crazy is the title of Sabri Suby’s book. One of the things he talks about in there is coming up with your quote-unquote godfather offer. The heck’s he talking about, right? I’ll let Sabri explain. “You want to be in a position,” he says, “where your offer is so compelling that it just

Grant Cardone Told Ryan Pineda How To Become A Billionaire

Grant Cardone Told Ryan Pineda How To Become A Billionaire

Wealthy Way founder Ryan Pineda got to hang with Grant Cardone and a handful of other influencers at a small, intimate meetup at Grant’s office. He says it was the most impactful event he’s ever attended. He asked Grant what was the difference in going from zero to millionaire, as opposed to millionaire to billionaire.

How Cole Gordon Went From $0 To $30 Million A Year

How Cole Gordon Went From $0 To $30 Million A Year

Remote Closing Academy creator Cole Gordon claims he did that—zero to $30 million per year in revenue—in a little over two years. Just sharing that publicly puts a bullseye on his back. Now every bro who’s ever closed a deal on the phone is launching a sales course, trying to get some-a-dat Cole money, right?

MultifamilyOS Program Review (Charles Dobens)

MultifamilyOS Program Review (Charles Dobens)

Charles Dobens, Esq., is the founder of Multifamily Investing Academy and creator of the MultifamilyOS Program. “Did you know that real estate has created 90% of today’s millionaires?” Charles says. “I mean, just look around at the most successful people you know. I bet most of them used real estate to build their wealth. But

Simple Land Flips Review (Joe McCall)

Simple Land Flips Review (Joe McCall)

Joe McCall has a “$10k in 10 hours” strategy where he buys a pile of dirt for $1,000 and flips it on Facebook for $8,000. It’s something he’s been experimenting with, on the side, with the help of his teenage sons, over the past two years. They’ve profited $150k so far. “So I really believe Review: Is Moran Pober Legit? Review: Is Moran Pober Legit?

Moran Pober says 71 million baby boomers are controlling $30 trillion dollars worth of wealth—and they all wanna retire in the next few years. The ones who own businesses will sell ’em at a discount so they can go enjoy their golden years. And since the money printer just went brrr for the last coupla

Launch My Movement Review

Launch My Movement Review

This dude’s willing to teach you the strange method he’s used to create one of the top motivational podcasts on the planet, with over 20+ million downloads. But get this: his average episode is only 10 minutes long, and he records most of ’em from his car in a Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot. His name

Entre Training Class Review (Jeff Lerner)

Entre Training Class Review (Jeff Lerner)

Jeff Lerner is the founder of Entre Institute and author of the self-help book, Unlock Your Potential. Before that, he was a promoter of several companies that were considered schemes and shut down by the FTC. What’s crazy to me is everything he’s doing now, at Entre, is eerily similar to those companies. This “Class”
