
How To Sell More Ebooks And Audiobooks

How To Sell More Ebooks And Audiobooks

Publishing Life founders Rasmus and Christian Mikkelsen, more commonly known as the Mikkelsen twins, have outsourced most of the coaching inside their flagship program, Audiobook Income Academy. Nick Morrison and Cody Smith are two of the main coaches now. In a recent video they discussed a mostly free way for self-publishers to make more sales.

Jeff Lerner Is One Intense Dude (I’ll Explain)

Jeff Lerner Is One Intense Dude (I’ll Explain)

Jeff Lerner thinks, if you want real success, you gotta get extreme. There’s so many people, so many businesses. And quite frankly, there’s not enough room for everyone to be millionaires. So it’s gonna be a small percentage of people that achieve extraordinary results, right? “And those are gonna be the ones that are the

Sophie Howard’s Bland Business Advice

Sophie Howard’s Bland Business Advice

Sophie Howard has a Kindle Publishing Income course where she teaches people how to start an automated income business on Amazon that doesn’t involve physical products. Instead, you get eBooks ghostwritten for you and then sell ’em through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. It’s funny though, she used to brand herself as “The Amazon

Best Seller Publishing Review (Rob Kosberg)

Best Seller Publishing Review (Rob Kosberg)

Rob Kosberg is the CEO of Best Seller Publishing, a training company that helps you publish, promote, and profit from your own best-selling book. “Could self-publishing one book make someone the most famous expert in their market?” he says in a YouTube ad. “Where they also create a legacy of over $100 million all before

You Do Not Need To Buy Tom Wang’s Course

You Do Not Need To Buy Tom Wang’s Course

FBA Masterclass is Tom Wang’s “how to make money on Amazon” course, which, even he says you don’t need to buy. “You do not need to purchase any courses in order for you to be successful in anything,” Tom confesses. “Nowadays, information is a commodity. You can access any sort of information from the comfort

Kindle Publishing For Beginners (Must Read)

Kindle Publishing For Beginners (Must Read)

Here are the basics. First, can you really make passive income with Kindle publishing? If you’re writing the ebooks yourself, obviously, no, you’re gonna have your work cut out for ya. But what if you use a ghostwriter? Then you can just sit back and collect checks, right? Back in the day, maybe, but not

Amazon FBA Wholesale Course? (You Sure About That?)

Amazon FBA Wholesale Course? (You Sure About That?)

Liz Herrera, aka Hurricane Liz, is a former poker player turned ecom entrepreneur. She started out, years ago, doing retail arbitrage on Amazon. Which basically means she went thrift shopping, marked the items up, and resold them for a small profit on Amazon. Eventually she graduated to wholesaling, partnering with someone who already had the

Dropshipping Challenge: Just Another Guru Gimmick?

Dropshipping Challenge: Just Another Guru Gimmick?

Are dropshipping challenges genuine and helpful for aspiring dropshippers? Or are they more like bait to get you to buy some YouTuber’s course? Who, when it’s all said and done, doesn’t actually profit anything from dropshipping itself? For example, there’s this dude, Ac Hampton. Calls himself a CEO and 8-figure marketer (LOL). Makes all kinds

5 Minute Mentor Review (Tai Lopez)

5 Minute Mentor Review (Tai Lopez)

Tai Lopez has spent the last decade trying to research, study, and experiment his way to the good life. And money’s a big part of that, right? It’s interesting, Tai says, the 10 richest people are now worth more than the bottom 3 billion people combined. How’s that fair? It’s not. And yet, that trend’s

Spencer J Vann Reviews: Talks A Lot, Says Nothing

Spencer J Vann Reviews: Talks A Lot, Says Nothing

Surplus Fund founder Spencer J. Vann says it’s not about seeking more information; it’s about getting the right information and putting it in the right sequence. “I’ve spent thousands of hours studying this stuff,” he says. “Probably tens of thousands of hours. It’s not an exaggeration. Like I’ve read hundreds of books. I’ve had the
