Funnel Creation Pros Reviews

Funnel Creation Pros Reviews

Are you a network marketer who’s seriously looking to build your business online? Do you want to attract high quality business builders and leaders into your organization? Wish you could stop chasing and just have people come to you? That’s where Funnel Creation Pros comes in. No longer do you have to post on Facebook all day; or spam home business Groups, hoping someone takes the bait; or desperately share selfies on Instagram; then do Twitter, TikTok, YouTube. Forget all of it.

NEXT: Compare This To Network Marketing

And don’t even get me started on Pinterest, podcasting, blogging, emailing, DM’ing people on LinkedIn. It’s too much. It doesn’t duplicate. And even if you could do all those things well, you’re still trading time for money. Which, correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s not why you signed up with your company, is it? You wanted residual income. Freedom. A better lifestyle. To fly the fam to Maui and go snorkeling and ziplining; not set your alarm for 4 a.m. so you can get in 12 hours of content creation, right?

“Since 2012 we’ve been working with some of the largest names in the network marketing space,” says the guy in the overview video. “People that are responsible, by themselves, within their organization, for $30 million dollars plus of volume per month. Now the key thing about those people is that they stick to those core principles of attracting high quality business builders and teaching those people to get the best leaders that they can. But they also don’t fall into the trap of trading time for money.”

“And they create themselves systems. And that’s exactly what we do at Funnel Creation Pros. We build you systems that can attract people so they come to you, where they’re raising their hand, saying, ‘Hey, I just saw your video, I like what you’re saying, and I wanna find out more.’ They come to you. You’re attracting them. Rather than you being in their direct messages all day, chasing and hounding them. And this is true automation but it’s also a true way to duplicate your system and success with your team.”

“What we do for you you can do exactly for your downline. But what this allows you to do is, whether you’re away at a convention, whether you’re spending time with your son or your daughter or your partner, or you’re on holiday, or you’re just sick. Or maybe you’re just taking some time out. This thing is still working for you. It’s working 24/7. It’s like an infomercial. And it’s repelling people that you don’t wanna work with and attracting people that you do wanna work with.”

“Now that’s why you got into the business in the first place. Not to trade time for money. And to create something that’s duplicatable but that’s also successful to give you financial freedom. And that’s always been the foundation of our marketing model. So, we’d love to be able to build all of this for you. We’ll take care of all the technology, we’ll build the marketing systems, we’ll run the ads, we’ll write the emails. Literally, we’ll take care of everything for you and bring those people to you so you don’t have to go learn all this yourself.”

This’ll save you tens of thousands of dollars you’d otherwise have to spend on expensive courses, trying to piece each step together. Not to mention the months (or maybe even years) of agony you could waste implementing everything, failing, adjusting, failing some more, and repeating until one day (maybe) it works. Funnel Creation Pros has some decent case studies and bonuses you can check out. You’ll have to book a call to see what it costs. I’m guessing at least $5k. But either way, I’ll always hate MLM.

TRENDING: Build Something You’re Proud Of

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