Printables are awesome because the income you earn from them is almost entirely passive. When someone purchases one of them, they can just download it themselves, print it, use it as they wish, and there’s really nothing more you gotta do. And in terms of digital printable product ideas, there are tons that are selling incredibly well, right now, on Etsy. Bingo, party invitations, stationery, letters, checklists, wall art, and so much more. Scroll down, read on.
NEXT: Compare This To Digital Printables
“Not only are these things easy to create, but they’re super easy to fulfill,” says Etsy super seller, Rachel Rofe. “I’m not saying it’s better than selling physical products, which I still love, but what I’m finding with these printable stores is that they are mega easy to sell because there’s no like sizing issues or complaints about centering, no problems with shipping or suppliers or anything like that. It’s really easy to make a customer happy and get great reviews as well.”
“Basically it just adds up to really great passive income for you,” she continues. “We launched a digital printables Etsy store just six months ago and already have five hundred and twenty-six sales. What we found is that every month our income goes up. That’s just one. Another store we put up has over three hundred sales. And we also took an existing Etsy store we had and put in some printable items on there too. Now seven of our top ten best sellers in that store? Are digital printables.”
“‘Cause people just eat this up on Etsy. So, all in all, between all three stores, we’ve made just over two thousand sales of these digital items. So we’ve got a lot of experience and real world results showing that printables can create some really epic passive income. Okay, so back to product ideas. Bingo for any special occasion works well. Birthdays, holidays, bachelorette parties, baby showers, Beach Bingo, Saint Patrick’s Day Bingo, you get the idea. All of these work well.”

Greeting cards is another printable idea to look into. Again, it’s basically all the same themes. Birthdays, anniversaries, bridal showers, get well soon, congratulations, condolences, you get the picture. What else? Printable coupons. You could come up with your own premade designs: one hour massage, good for one game night, dinner of your choice at any restaurant, delicious treat of your choosing, romantic vacation for two, master of the TV, et cetera; or, you could let people submit their own custom requests.
“Goal trackers are also really fun,” Rachel adds. “And especially popular after New Year’s, when people have just made their resolutions. But this kind of thing can really happen any time though because there’s always people looking to lose weight or budget or exercise more, eat healthier, pursue a dream, create better habits, or improve themselves in some kind of capacity. Goal trackers help with this because they’re a means of measuring progress, right? Just search on Etsy for ‘goal tracker printable.’”
But don’t stop there. Take these Etsy printable niches and mix and match and bundle to turbocharge sales. For example, you could make a Lose 20 Pounds goal tracker and pair it with a print on demand t-shirt that reads “Give fat the finger” (and has a silhouette of a middle finger). Heck, get crazy, throw in a coffee mug that says “Keto is neato,” ya know? Sky’s the limit. Or, for a business that’s more wide open, with more leverage and higher margins, you should definitely check out the link below.
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