Category: Reviews

The 9 To 5 Dropouts Review (Mike Nelson)

The 9 To 5 Dropouts Review (Mike Nelson)

Mike Nelson will teach you how to start your own T-shirt business that replaces your nine-to-five income. And you can do it without purchasing any expensive printing equipment or buying a bunch of inventory up front. In the past few years Mike claims he’s personally sold over fifty-three thousand tee shirts, generating over one-point-two million

Jason Wardrop Review

Jason Wardrop Review

Jason Wardrop has a stupid simple marketing business that makes him almost twenty-six grand per month. You can copy it in under ten minutes. And while you might not make as much as him, he believes it’s the number one way for beginners to go from zero to at least five K a month online.

John Crestani Reviews

John Crestani Reviews

John Crestani says stop going to college. Quit your job. After spending four years at a university and working ten different nine-to-fives, he was dead broke. So don’t listen to your parents, friends, teachers, or the media when they tell you to go to school, get a good job, work your way up. It’s a

Ruthless Results Review (Brent Kocal)

Ruthless Results Review (Brent Kocal)

Brent Kocal is one intense dude. He wakes up at four thirty-five every morning. Hits the gym by five. Measures the amount of coconut milk he puts in his protein shakes. Weighs his chicken breasts. Yep, he’s that guy. He reads at least two or three new books a month. Meditates forty minutes a day.

Beyond Six Figures Review (Justin Woll)

Beyond Six Figures Review (Justin Woll)

Justin Woll loves his Audi R8, his dog, his Two Comma Club awards, and posting pictures of all of them to sell you into his ecommerce university, BeyondSixFigures. It’s the most consistently successful ecom mentoring program in the industry, he says. They’ve spent millions of dollars on ads to ensure their systems are battle-tested and

BJK University Review (Bashar J Katou)

BJK University Review (Bashar J Katou)

Bashar J Katou can show you how to achieve the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in Amazon entrepreneurship. Specifically, he’ll teach you how to find profitable products you can sell on Amazon without wasting hours on research and due diligence; how to leapfrog your products to the first page of Amazon search results, which is

Vodyssey Review (Shawn Moore)

Vodyssey Review (Shawn Moore)

Shawn Moore and his wife Teresa were selling super high-end resort properties back in 2008. They were making big money. Living lavish. About to close on a new mansion in Newport Beach. When, out of nowhere, the owner of the resort they were selling for got indicted on securities charges. Feds came in and shut

Social Media Blueprint Review (Nate Armstrong)

Social Media Blueprint Review (Nate Armstrong)

Nate Armstrong can show you how to profit off of real estate with nothing more than a Facebook account. No bandit signs, no direct mail, cold calling, or sucking up to brokers. And yet, you can have a wave of sellers coming to you, begging you to help them with their property. You don’t need

Rona Proof Masterclass Review

Rona Proof Masterclass Review

Tony “The Closer” Robinson was raised in Philadelphia by a single mom who worked two jobs to provide for them. As he got older he began getting into trouble. So, around age twelve, he was sent to live with his father in The Tar Heel State. Tony’s dad was in the military and took zero

Done 4 You Agency Launch Review (Andrew Pabia)

Done 4 You Agency Launch Review (Andrew Pabia)

Andrew Pabia was born in Columbus, Georgia. He was a horrible student and always in trouble with the law. He had worked twenty different jobs by the age of seventeen. That’s also the age he and his then-girlfriend-now-wife had their first child together. Struggling to provide for his young family, Andrew dropped out of college,
