Category: Reviews

Evergreen Agent Review (The Kingdom Model)

Evergreen Agent Review (The Kingdom Model)

Jonathan Khalil is the creator of Evergreen Agent. He can show ya how to close 24–48 deals every year using his so-called Kingdom Model. Why listen to him though? Jonathan says he got 150 new clients himself last year using this same method. He built a 7-figure business in two years. And his students closed

Royalty Hero Review (Sean Dollwet)

Royalty Hero Review (Sean Dollwet)

Sean Dollwet runs his own Kindle Direct Publishing business. He makes multiple 6-figures with it. And to think, he almost didn’t do it. He had been looking at Amazon FBA, Shopify drop shipping, remote closing. Then one day, he hears about a concept called self-publishing. “I heard of a couple people who were making a

Business Credit Workshop Reviews (Joe Lawrence)

Business Credit Workshop Reviews (Joe Lawrence)

Joe Lawrence is the man behind Business Credit Workshop. He’s got a ridiculous seven-step system to get you as much as $500k or more in business credit without ever having to walk into a bank. Plus, it’s unsecured and there are no documents necessary. Too good to be true? Not so, says one of Joe’s

Cash Cow Dylan Review (Dylan Miller)

Cash Cow Dylan Review (Dylan Miller)

Dylan Miller is a YouTube automation expert who wants to help as many other people as he can live their best life. He does that through his Tube Money Masterclass course. Inside, members learn a proven system to win with YouTube without recording videos or showing their face. Think Top 10 lists, reaction videos, tutorials,

10x Marketing Program Review (Grant Cardone)

10x Marketing Program Review (Grant Cardone)

Captain Cringe has another new thing to sell ya. “Hey, you ever seen a wealthy person or a wealthy family or a jet owner like me and wondered what they did to get it?” Grant asks. “Or what they’d do to get it all over again? Or could they even do it all over again,

Launchpeer Reviews (Jake Hare)

Launchpeer Reviews (Jake Hare)

Jake Hare can help you go from napkin sketch to launched and fully funded—fast. He also wears the crap out of a turquoise shirt. Maybe you’re non-technical, you’ve got this great app idea, but no clue how to build it. So you went looking for talented developers but soon discovered you can’t afford them. And

Fundwise Agents Reviews: Legit Affiliate Program?

Fundwise Agents Reviews: Legit Affiliate Program?

The guys at Fundwise think you can hit 6- to 7-figures in the next 12 months just by sharing a link with business owners who want free money. There’s $1.2 trillion earmarked from the U.S. government for small businesses. You can help get that money into their hands and earn big commissions for doing so.

Jacqueline Matoza Review (Wholesaling Real Estate)

Jacqueline Matoza Review (Wholesaling Real Estate)

Jacqueline Matoza is a CPA turned real estate investor. You might’ve seen her on HGTV’s Battle on the Beach Season 2. She got into real estate for the same reasons as everyone else. It’s where millionaires are made. You can make money while ya sleep. Be your own boss. Yadda yadda yadda. Wholesaling, in particular,

The In-Demand Business Analyst Review

The In-Demand Business Analyst Review

Can you really land a 6-figure job as a business analyst or scrum master in the next 90 days, guaranteed? Without paying for another stupid certification or applying to a billionty different jobs? According to ITCareers4U, you bet your hiney you can. They’ve got dozens of high profile companies beating down their door, looking for

Benefits Of Selling Print On Demand Jewelry

Benefits Of Selling Print On Demand Jewelry

Low Hanging Ecom founder Rachel Rofe suggests adding custom jewelry to your Amazon and Etsy print on demand shops. Now, when you sell jewelry, it’s all about perceived value, right? The more expensive it looks, the more someone’ll pay for it. “Have you ever wondered why jewelry stores can charge such high prices for their
