Category: Reviews

Dustin Hahn’s Dirty Little Secret

Dustin Hahn’s Dirty Little Secret

Dustin Hahn does five to ten real estate deals per month, getting each property for forty to ninety percent below market value. He says there’s a dirty little data secret in the real estate investing world. And if you don’t know it, you can get fooled by shenanigans. “So, probably what a lot of people

Sales Insights Lab Reviews (Marc Wayshak)

Sales Insights Lab Reviews (Marc Wayshak)

Marc Wayshak says there are two types of salespeople. The first is Willy Wish-it-would-close. This guy is constantly getting pushed around by prospects. He’s giving away all of his value, trying his best to close, but just gets a ton of people saying they wanna think it over. Willy’s bank account is therefore running dangerously

The Great American Income Project Review

The Great American Income Project Review

Don Kaufman says he’s a multimillionaire trading expert. “A hundred and nine trades, and a hundred and five wins,” he boasts in a pitch video for The Great American Income Project. “And it’s all documented in beautiful black and white. My secret is this unique income signal, or what I’ve come to call, Ultima Spike.

The Digital Marketing School Review

The Digital Marketing School Review

Scott Weddell and Christopher Duncan are the creators of The Digital Marketing School. In a recent Facebook ad, Scott had this to say, “If you’re looking for a way to make an incredible living, working for yourself on your own terms, then I’ve got something you’re going to want to see. In 2022, the world

Weiss Ratings Review (Crypto Investor)

Weiss Ratings Review (Crypto Investor)

Bargain cryptos with Weiss Ratings? Yep, at least, according to the founder, Dr. Martin D. Weiss, who claims you can go for profits of fifty-X or more with red-hot, undiscovered cryptos. In a time-sensitive presentation he calls The Next Bitcoins, Doctor Weiss said, “What I’m going to cover today is a short list of cryptocurrencies

Tony Robbins Ultimate Breakthrough Challenge Review

Tony Robbins Ultimate Breakthrough Challenge Review

Tony Robbins wants to know how you’re doing. Loaded question, huh? It’s been pretty tough for just about everyone these last couple of years, he acknowledges. No matter how strong you are, between the pandemic and politics and everything that gets caught on video that causes outrage and division amongst us, these are tough times

Is Walmart Automation Legit?

Is Walmart Automation Legit?

There are done-for-you Walmart automation dropshipping services popping up left and right. Many of them are running YouTube ads with (presumably) paid actors like the chick above, driving in her car, telling you about this hot new opportunity. How Walmart’s more profitable than Amazon. And it’s less competitive. And if you get in, now, it’d

Is Bashar J Katou Legit?

Is Bashar J Katou Legit?

Bashar J Katou sells a course called BJK University, which shows you how to create a life of freedom by selling physical products through Amazon FBA. What makes him qualified to teach though, right? Apparently, he went from a hundred and fifty grand in debt, depressed, drinking heavily (and even went to jail for a

Will Motivation Real Estate Course Review

Will Motivation Real Estate Course Review

Will Moss aka Will Motivation wants to know if you’re tired of being broke. If so, he knows your pain. He used to work a j-o-b, and live check to check, lucky to take home thirty-five grand a year. Then he discovered real estate investing, and let’s just say, today, his life looks a lot

Foreclosure Academy Review (Foreclosure Secrets)

Foreclosure Academy Review (Foreclosure Secrets)

Foreclosure Academy, brought to you by Private Wealth Academy, teaches you how to turn another’s foreclosure into your own personal ATM machine. “Do you know what happens when a house is foreclosed?” asks the guy in the Facebook video ad that just popped up in my newsfeed. “What happens after the government or banks take
