Category: Reviews

Agency Coach Review (ReviewPro Launchpad)

Agency Coach Review (ReviewPro Launchpad)

Mike Schmidt is the founder of Agency Coach, which he runs with his partner, Anthony (AJ) Rivera. Mike added a new income stream to his agency: managing online reviews for clients. This earned him an extra forty-five grand in the first three months. What makes Mike different, he says, is that he actually pays his

Jeff Lerner: How To Get Motivated

Jeff Lerner: How To Get Motivated

Jeff Lerner says it’s not a lack of information or opportunity or even money that’s keeping you from living the life you want. Rather, it’s a lack of motivation. The kind you need to skip happy hour and turn off Netflix and stop scrolling through social media and instead buy a course so you can

AgenSuite Review (Dylan Vanas)

AgenSuite Review (Dylan Vanas)

Dylan Vanas says every agency owner will eventually come to a crossroads: do they spend their time serving their current clients or trying to get more? Whichever one they pick, the other end of the business will suffer. So then they’ll try to hire employees, right? But then that eats up all their time. They’re

Jeff Lerner: Is The Law Of Attraction Real?

Jeff Lerner: Is The Law Of Attraction Real?

Jeff Lerner defines the Law of Attraction in the following way: what you think about, you bring about. Meaning, you’ll naturally attract certain results based on the thoughts that preceded the actions that you took to generate that outcome. There’s a lot of debate about it. Is there any merit here, or is it just

Happy Money Stories Review

Happy Money Stories Review

Your money gets pulled in so many different directions. The house, the bills, the cars. It’s easy to get stressed. Money’s funny like that; it can scare the crap out of you. Although it doesn’t have to be that way. You can face it, head-on. “I just wanna let you know that I totally get

Jeff Lerner: Here’s How To Stay Focused

Jeff Lerner: Here’s How To Stay Focused

Jeff Lerner says your ability to focus is the single biggest predictor of your quality of life. Focus is everything. If you focus on the negative, your mindset becomes more negative. And vice versa. So you have to take conscious control of what you feed your mind. Especially since we, as humans, are wired to

Ecom Automate Review (Mike Orakpo)

Ecom Automate Review (Mike Orakpo)

Mike Orakpo is the founder of Ecom Automate. They sell automated Shopify businesses starting at twelve grand. “We’ve done all the hard work for you,” he says, in his latest YouTube ad. “All the heavy lifting, all right? We’ve done the product research, we’ve built your store, we find the exact product, the exact niche.

Remote Millionaires Review (Nick Ponte)

Remote Millionaires Review (Nick Ponte)

Nick Ponte helps normal everyday people take advantage of the biggest opportunity to make money online right now: which is launching your own marketing agency. One that’ll pay you at least eight grand a month. And you’ll only spend twenty percent of your time working in the business. And you won’t have to build a

Reviewing Joshua Crisp’s Net Worth

Reviewing Joshua Crisp’s Net Worth

Joshua Crisp was making a little over seven bucks an hour at his day job after he dropped outta college. He knew he was destined for bigger and better things, but hadn’t a clue how to get there. Eventually he hired a mentor who directed him towards Amazon. His first three product launches flopped. Luckily,

Tom Wang Shares Health Update

Tom Wang Shares Health Update

Tom Wang is a recovering workaholic. For the last five years, that’s pretty much all he’s done. Work gave him meaning, purpose, self validation. However, a few months back, he had to reevaluate his relationship with work. He woke up one morning feeling dizzy. Something was “off.” It was almost an out of body experience.
