Category: Reviews

Confronting Ravi Abuvala And His Big Bold Claims

Confronting Ravi Abuvala And His Big Bold Claims

Remote Integrator founder Ravi Abuvala dropped outta law school a few years back, when his dad was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Ends up seeing a Tai Lopez ad, buys his SMMA course, wasn’t that great, but it didn’t need to be. It introduced Ravi to a whole new world of online marketing, and

Laundromat Millionaire Review (Dave Menz)

Laundromat Millionaire Review (Dave Menz)

Dave Menz is the Laundromat Millionaire. He believes the laundromat business is the best small biz in America. So should you get into it? Not necessarily. Because maybe it’s not the best for you, specifically. “Let me explain,” Dave says. “I’ve seen a lot of people get into the laundromat business for the wrong reasons,

Certified Advertising Geneius Academy Review

Certified Advertising Geneius Academy Review

Billy Gene Is Marketing, we all know that by now. So what would he do if he were broke, with no brand, no team, no clue what to sell, but needed to make money as fast as possible? Say a thousand bucks in a day? First, he’d stop calling it money. Instead, he’d call it

Reviewing Jeff Lerner’s Wealth Formula

Reviewing Jeff Lerner’s Wealth Formula

Jeff Lerner says the ultimate goal is to be happy, to live a life of purpose, passion, fulfillment, progress. In fact, the more you close the gap between where you are and where you wanna be, the happier you’ll feel. “Progress toward our legacy is actually happiness,” he explains. “So I built this framework to

Wait, Teeka Tiwari Sells NFT Advice Now Too?

Wait, Teeka Tiwari Sells NFT Advice Now Too?

If Teeka Tiwari spots a trend in the investment space, by golly, he’s gonna put together a ninety minute YouTube ad to cash in on it. “There’s no denying the prices of some of these non-fungible tokens are ridiculous,” Teeka says, reading from a teleprompter while wearing his best impromptu face. “Just a few months

Alex Hormozi Sold Everything (Here’s Why)

Alex Hormozi Sold Everything (Here’s Why)

Alex Hormozi recently sold three businesses for about sixty-two million. He also got rid of two exotic cars and sold his four million dollar mansion in Austin, Texas. So, other than that hat, a few flannels and some Breathe Right strips, Mr. Mozination was left with basically no material possessions. Why’d he do that?

How To Become A Modern Millionaire

How To Become A Modern Millionaire

Modern millionaires are a dime a dozen seems like. So how’re all these people making all this money on the internet? I’ll spare you the cliche advice about reading business books and goal setting and thinking positive thoughts and exercising every day and waking up at five o’clock in the morning. You already know all

Wait, Tom Wang Quit YouTube? What Happened?

Wait, Tom Wang Quit YouTube? What Happened?

Tom Wang just did the most YouTube thing ever: he “quit” YouTube. That’s what the title and thumbnail of his most recent YouTube video said, anyways. Of course, as soon as you hit play, you realize you’ve been duped. “All right YouTube,” Tom starts out, “I’m gonna have a heart-to-heart with you because I’ve sold

Best Business Books 2023: These’ll Change Your Life

Best Business Books 2023: These’ll Change Your Life

Readers are leaders. The more you learn, the more you earn. I agree with those statements somewhat. But which books you read and what you do with the information is what really counts. Let’s be honest: most business books are boring, rambling, and do little more than reword the other bestsellers on that subject. Sprinkle

Critiquing The Mikkelsen Twins’ Audible Ad

Critiquing The Mikkelsen Twins’ Audible Ad

Christian Mikkelsen says, “If you’re trying to make real money online, you need to stop with the drop shipping, Amazon FBA, affiliate marketing, MLM, whatever else people are shouting at you to do right now. Because here’s the thing people need to understand: you aren’t the only person these online biz gurus are trying to
