Author: admin

Bob Diamond Course Review

Bob Diamond Course Review

Bob Diamond calls himself America’s Tax Sale Attorney. You’ve probably seen him interrupting your YouTube videos and popping up in your Facebook newsfeed, trying to get you to buy his Overages Blueprint course. It will teach you how to collect real estate overage funds. A business Bob says you can feel good about because you’re

Indistractable Masterclass Review (Mindvalley)

Indistractable Masterclass Review (Mindvalley)

Vishen Lakhiani has yet another Mindvalley masterclass to sell you. This one is called Indistractable. The host is Nir Eyal, a leading expert on habit formation and focus. The purpose of this masterclass is to rise above distractions, own your time, and regain peak focus and performance, no matter how crazy life gets. There’s a

Business Freedom Blueprint Review (Mindvalley)

Business Freedom Blueprint Review (Mindvalley)

Mindvalley has a masterclass on everything. Including business. It’s called The Business Freedom Blueprint. As usual, Vishen Lakhiani is the host. He brings in international entrepreneur and visionary Eric Edmeades to teach you how to build a business that sets you free. We’re talking total financial and lifestyle freedom, plus boundless growth and game-changing impact.

The Golden Link Review (Oasis)

The Golden Link Review (Oasis)

Andrew James just popped up in a YouTube ad. If you’ve been researching ClickBank or drop shipping or any other way to make money online, he says, you’re probably thinking, c’mon, is this for real? You see these dudes standing in front of their Lamborghinis, talking about getting rich overnight. They’re all weirdos, he laughs.

Flexxable Review (Dan Wardrope)

Flexxable Review (Dan Wardrope)

Dan Wardrope has a new YouTube ad out. In it, he says, if you’re doing Facebook ads, pay per click marketing, or even search engine optimization as a service, he can help you ditch low value retainer clients and transition to the pay per lead model. As a result, you’ll make more money with less

Chance Welton Reviews MM Student Success

Chance Welton Reviews MM Student Success

Chance Anthony Welton sat down with Modern Millionaire student, Shane, to talk about his experience inside the program. Before joining Shane had a fifteen year career in radio. He would cold call businesses and try to get them to buy ad space on the air. As you can imagine, it was a tough sell. So

Tom Wang Product Research Review

Tom Wang Product Research Review

Tom Wang calls product research the single most important part of your Amazon FBA journey. If you get it right, your odds of success go up significantly. Get it wrong, and you’re almost guaranteed to fail. Tom shares a story from one of his FBA Masterclass coaching calls. A student had already picked out a

Fiverr Pro Review (Alex Fasulo)

Fiverr Pro Review (Alex Fasulo)

Alexandra Fasulo had a Facebook ad that caught my eye. Or maybe it was her gorgeous red hair. It said something about how a farm girl had accidentally become a millionaire online. I clicked it. It took me to this fake news looking site. Boston Insider dot co, not com. It had some good copy

Reviewing Kevin David’s Legitimacy

Reviewing Kevin David’s Legitimacy

Kevin David has a new YouTube ad promoting his AMZ Autopilot program. He rolls across his living room floor on a blue skateboard, hops off, and starts pitching. He reminds me of a younger, hipper Billy Mays. If you have more than ten grand in the bank, he says, and you don’t know what he’s

Fitness CEOs Review (Tanner Chidester)

Fitness CEOs Review (Tanner Chidester)

Tanner Chidester has a new YouTube ad calling out personal trainers and fitness professionals. If that’s you, and if you love helping people but never seem to make enough money; or maybe you hired a coach who charged you five to ten grand but they couldn’t deliver because they’re no longer in the trenches, perhaps
