Billy Gene doesn’t wanna waste your time at all. In a new YouTube ad, he’s hanging with his team at the infamous Billy Gene Is Marketing headquarters, explaining how, “If you’re seeing this right now, it’s because you saw some of our content or something that inspired you to want to start advertising so you can get more customers. And we put together what we believe is the most ridiculous deal maybe in digital marketing or internet marketing history.”
NEXT: See More Examples And Case Studies
“And that’s just not my word,” Billy continues, “but now we have over 42,496 people who have taken me up on this deal. So basically, here’s the short, sweet, to the point: For $31, I am going to give you all of my best trainings, recordings, like secret meetings, whatever it was over the last five years. I’m going to give you exact templates. For instance, when I do a video like this, I’m actually following a script, a format. So you’ll get the script, the bullet points, checklists, and so on.”
“So if you don’t know what to say when making your own ads, I literally have forms for everything. I’ve literally written books on it. I know you don’t have time to learn all this stuff yourself, so this is all designed to just save you time. If you’re selling, I have what to say, I have notecards for basically every objection under the sun. From ‘I need to talk to my wife or spouse’ to ‘I wanna join but I can’t do it till next month because I’m a little short on money at the moment.’”
“And this is just a handful of what’s in the bundle. We literally left nothing out. In this one course, Clicks Into Customers 2.0, we cover Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube ads. Forbes. When you’re on the internet, you’ll see us. How do we do that? That’s all in that course right there. We’ve got Billy Gene’s Gene Pool Elite, a YouTube Masterclass, Sell Like A GENEIUS, the Geneius Accelerator, it just goes on and on. When I’ve created these courses in the past, we sold some of ’em for up to $1,500.”

Literally, thousands of people paid a premium for each of these programs, individually; and you’re getting all of ’em for just $31. Not that that’s fair to those people, but I s’pose that’s not your problem. It does, however, bring up a good question. Why on earth would Billy be doing this, right? Has he made enough money? Maybe he’s gonna retire early and ride off into the sunset? “It’s simple,” Billy says, addressing the elephant in the room. “I believe, if you go through virtually any of the trainings in this bundle?”
“That you will become a customer for life. And I’m in a position where we don’t need your business but we want your business. So we’re literally giving away everything for basically free. The $31 that this is gonna cost you just covers my cost of advertising. So, my whole strategy here is to give you the goods, hold nothing back, earn your business, and then hopefully you keep buying stuff from me for the next decade, two decades, millennium, for my daughter, when she gets older. Whatever.”
If you click on that ad when ya see it and go to the sales page, there’s a countdown timer (gross) that you’ll have to beat to lock in the $31. Otherwise it jumps to like $49. But I’m guessing if you clear your history and refresh the page, it’ll reset. That, or just wait for the inevitable Billy Gene retargeting ad that’ll take ya back to it. Either way, I mean, it’s a ton of value for a teeny-tiny investment. But Billy’s plan is to upsell you, as he said, so just be prepared for that. Still, he’s one of my favorite online marketers.
TRENDING: Now Compare This To Billy Gene’s Promo